So excited to kick off this new season of TRACK RACING!!!
I just got back from a week in LA kicking where I finished a little personal training camp. It was time to set some time standards for myself, get a feel of the 250m again, and really just slaughter the legs with some training on the velodrome. Really, it amazes me how differently the body reacts to the different bikes, pedaling, etc. Ouch! Tonight I go for a massage :)
The trip was already pre-planned and it happen to fall on the dates of the SoCal Elite State Omnium Track Champs. So, within 24 hours of landing in LA, I found myself hitting the boards with the men. Since I am not eligible to win a women's California state title and I was out there for self-torture, I raced with the boys of SoCal.
Setting off for the 1K TT. Yes, 1k vs. the 500m since I was with the men. Ok, I just did a 500m and then cooled down for 2 more laps but...

4k. No 3k here :) Like my alien helmet? Thanks Kevin for letting me borrow it.

Trying to put the hurt on some of these boys.
Thanks to Pat Benson for all the photos!
The trip was so worth the time and money. Being on that track is just plain different from the track I have in Colorado. This trip allowed me to try and dial in some gears, pacing, lines, etc. It also just gave me a concentrated week of training away from my super stressful life in Boulder. :) jk.
Now that I am back, I am excited to start the prep for the fall and winter season. I am confident after this week that all my new training is going to pay off this winter. Can't wait to throw down!
P.S. For the non-cycling folks- There are no other pictures since there really wasn't time for anything else besides sleeping, eating, driving, and riding. I touched the beach once on the last day but decided it was too windy and cold... so that lasted 30 minutes. I know my family sometimes thinks all this traveling has "got to be so much fun." The reality is I barely did anything social and, short of getting Pinkberry yogurt twice, it wasn't vacation.