From Beijing, I went home to Boulder for a week. The plan was to have a wonderful, relaxing week at home with Greg. Although I am happy to be home whenever possible, I wasn't too much fun to live with while I suffered with the "Beijing funk" that kept me miserably sick all week. Not much fun when you are also dealing with some wacky jet lag. So much for doing something fun for Greg's birthday!! (I lost some big points that week)
Right as the cold snap of the century was hitting Boulder, I hopped on a plane and headed back to LA for more track camp fun.
I didn't want to rub it in... actually never even mentioned it on my calls home... but the weather in LA was PERFECT! While Boulder was struggling to get above 0 degrees, LA was flirting with 70 degrees.
Travel day beach ride... hello sunshine!
We normally don't get out much at track camp. A typical day looks like this:
- eat
- morning road ride
- eat
- afternoon track training
- eat
- sleep
The only variation is whether track or road is morning or afternoon... oh, and, who is in charge of cooking our team dinner. (Thank goodness KMac has joined the team... we had all run out of creative ideas for Extended Stay dinners.)
BUT... this camp, we actually carved out an afternoon and did something FUN!
Yes! The famous Dave Towle joined us for an afternoon on the Grey's Anatomy set.

More interesting then the set... Patrick Dempsey's Mercedes Gullwing

If one day of fun wasn't enough... we had a road ride scheduled another day. Wait, let me explain. We had a road ride scheduled without also having track training scheduled. Driven by the desire to see more then stoplights and concrete, we jumped in the car and drove out to Pasadena to join our friend Peyton for some long hours in the sun!
Ah, brakes, hills, sun, gears... something out of the ordinary! Thanks Peyton!

So, that was last week in pictures. I am now sitting in Manchester, UK getting prepared for the last World Cup of the season. The winter has flown by and reflection brings many positive thoughts!
Good luck!!!!
Cool Mercedes! Still like bikes better...
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