Here are the facts: 1) I have one of the best coaches in the country and, like a blind sheep, I follow that plan exactly, 2) At times I am supposed to be tired, 3) It does hurt. It should hurt, and 4) Most importantly, I am the only one who knows how I really feel.
Elite athletes are not always good at putting the facts together and making a good judgement call. I have failed that test several times but I have also learned from those lessons. Now I know what to look for when I am under rested.
Am I sleeping well? What's my mood? Do normal little things (i.e. making the bed) seem like monstrous activities? These are my big signs that I am TIRED.
So, last week after calling the coach (for the first time EVER) and explaining that I am just too tired and I can't even seem to get on my bike that particular day. He followed with, "Is Greg working this weekend? You need to go to the mountains. Go have fun. No bike." Um, ok!
And those couple days spent in Vail with our good friends was just what the doctor ordered. I didn't leave the condo much... who needs to when you are staying at The Ritz? (Thanks Nick and Megan!) So, I really don't have many pictures. Here's all I have...
A BIG powder day on Sunday had all the adults, minus me, drooling to get on the slopes. In order to help accommodate that, I offered to hang with my little friends for a couple hours. These little two year olds couldn't help but stare out the window during picture time. Seems like they were itching to make some turns too!

The biggest bonus of the weekend was my bestie from Atlanta coming out for vacation. Perfect timing. Mande flew out Sunday morning with her husband Joe and friends Steph and Greg. It's been way too long since I have seen Mande and was the perfect reason to leave the condo. :) Literally, this was the only time I left The Ritz all weekend. Thanks Mandooooie!
Oh, and then guess what... I couldn't wait to attack this week of workouts. Mentally and physically I was rested.